Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Religions Originating in India

I found the assigned reading to be fascinating and enlighting. I was unaware that Hinduism is considered to be the oldest of all religions, and perhaps it could be the foundation of most other religions. More surprising to me is the revelation that Hinduism began with the migration of the Aryan people into India. My views on religion has certainly broaden. My belief is that religions were born out of some form of oppression, caused by either environmental or self imposed ritual.
It's amazing to read about the customs and practices that people perform in an effort to offer worship. I'm also amazed by the objects and symbols that civilizations select to call their gods. It's ironic that religion, while intended to create a vehicle, by which one could have peace of mind, and harmony, often times triggers conflicts, confusion, disharmony or even wars. A prime example can be found with the Muslims and the Hindus faith who have always had some kind of tension between them.

1 comment:

Susan De George said...

"The Muslims and the Hindus faith who have always had some kind of tension between them." And yet, as we'll see later in the semester, there are major religious traditions that try to combine the best of Islam and Hinduism.